Add One Shift
To create a shift and assign an employee at the same time, simply navigate to the scheduling page.
TIP: A shift has a start-time, an end-time, and a position. You can assign shifts to employees after the shift has been created, or you can create the shift and assign an employee at the same time. TIP: You can learn how to create shifts without adding employees as well. This is useful for making templates.
Tip: Shift bars color reference guide
Once you get to the Scheduling page, look on the left side of the page and choose a position, and click the " +" button.
Build the Shift - Click on the '+' button for one of the positions. It will bring up the Create Shift window, and the first thing you want to do is choose a position from the dropdown. Next, select a START day/time and an END day/time. Shift Agent™ will sort the list of available employees automatically based on several Smart Scheduling factors to give you the best option.
Select the right employee: Shift Agent Makes Recommendations - One of the best features Shift Agent™ has for you is that it will make recommendations based on a number of factors. For example, who's availability for a particular position makes them the mest match for the shift you are creating? We track days off, overlapping shifts, number of target hours, and much more.
Hit the Create this Shift button on the bottom right. It will immediately take you back to the scheduling page, and you will see your shift with the selected employee filled in. You can easily edit, duplicate, publish, or remove the shift from the dropdown menu on the shift itself.
Click here to see more details and how to schedule an entire day.
Tip: Shift bars color reference guide