Email the team

Shift Agent has a powerful messaging system that allows you to send Store News and information that is useful for communicating with your team.  You can send store News from your computer or if you are logged into Shift Agent from your mobile device.

Create a Store News Announcement:

  1. Click on Store News button in the main menu.
  2. Click the Create Announcement button.
  3. How do you want to send the message? - Email, both email and SMS, or SMS only
  4. Select your audience for the message. (defaults to all employees)
    • You can type in any combination of:  Names, positions, departments, or all employees
  5. Select a  Read-By date. (after this day/time, the employee would be considered LATE in reading it, because it could be irrelevant by then)
  6. Type your message.
  7. Press Send

The Store News Interface

After you send the announcement:

  • A new dashboard will appear after you send the announcement, and you will be able to see a list of all employees, along with the date that they read the message.
  • There is also a little chart showing you who, how many and when your employees read the message.  You can get a feel for how quick or how slow the culture of adoption for your announcements is taking place.
  • If you post a link, the report you will show you how many of your employees and exactly who of your team actually clicked on the link.  Announcements are different than system messages, which are found in the notifications area of the app.

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