Add Availability
Each employee has availability settings for each day of the week. This is their regular availability. An availability set is comprised of the settings for all seven days of the week. To set the availability for an employee, you have a couple of options.
- Set the availability for the employee yourself.
- Have the employee fill out their own availability, and then you approve it.
You may wish to take a little time to read a full explanation of how Shift Agent handles availability
Step by Step:
To change the availability for an employee, go to their employee profile and look on the right side of the page. Click the "Change Availability" button in the upper right corner of their profle.
- Immediately
- Future
Once you have selected your option, you will be brought to your availability dashboard.
- Current Availability - The one that is active in the system right now.
- Upcoming - A set that has been approved and goes into effect in the near future.
- Submitted - A set that has been submitted to MGR, but not yet approved.
- Currently Editing - you have not finished submitting this set yet.
5. Set when they CANNOTwork. This is times on each day that the employee cannot be at work. The system will treat the employee as strictly unavailable during these hours. Two helpful posts with more information:
- What do the colors mean in availability?
- How availability effects scheduling
7. Add the reasons WHY they cannot work during their unavailable times. Employees are asked (not required) to tell you these reasons. They will appear in appropriate and helpful places throughout the app to help you make the finest decisions of who to schedule.
FINALLY, submit the availability. If you are a manager, you can also approve the set. To remove an availability rule:
- 1. Mouse over the rule (in the availability bar)
- 2. Wait for the 'X' to appear.
- 3. Click the 'X' to remove it.