Demo Store

The Demo for Shift Agent is completely free, and it allows you to test out the features before you begin your free trial.  

In the Demo mode, there are a number of fictitious characters who are employees.  There are some day off requests for you to respond to, as well as a trade or two.  Take advantage of the guided tours provided to give you an idea of how everything works. In particular, try to do the whole tour of the scheduling page.

Before you setup your store

Before you actually setup your store and add all of your store's information, you will want to end the demo mode. This will bring you to the Setup Wizard that provides you with an opportunity to begin efficiently adding all your store’s information.

Things you shouldn’t do in the Demo:

  1. In the interest of saving time and not duplicating efforts, we recommend beginning your free trial (ending the demo) before you add all of your store information. You can add a few real people to see how it works, but in general you should use the Setup Wizard because it is more efficient and easier.
  2. If you choose to “edit” the names of Positions or Departments in the Demo, those positions and departments will be eliminated once you end the Demo.  However, you CAN add completely new positions and departments and they will remain so that you don't have to add them more than once.

If you add employees, positions, or departments while you’re in the Demo, they will not be deleted when you end the Demo.

Setup Wizard: When you are finished with the Demo, you can choose to immediately begin the Setup Wizard. All of the fictitious information will clear out. 

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